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Spend Time with Us

Doing good things takes time. Whether it's preparing a meal for the community kitchen, visiting the sick, greeting new people or supervising children's activities, it takes time and people to make it happen. Time is a gift best shared. We understand how valuable your time is and we hope you'll spend it with us carrying light to the world.

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Jump into Small Groups

Relationships are built here, life is shared, acts of kindness are done and Christ's love is made known. Host or lead.

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Meet and 
Greet the Guests

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Be the first warm smile or kind word our guests receive.

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Work with Student Programs 

Our youth and children's programs need safe and committed adults who are willing to be mentors and love students of all kinds


Find your Mission in Life

Join us as we take the work of meeting needs and sharing love to our local communities and across the world

5178 Hinkleville Rd, Paducah, KY 42001
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(270) 443-2669

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